Risc World 3
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odes. The following 3 new commands give you some control
in establishing the proper environment so that your macro will always
work as intended.
Sets Insert mode on. To set Insert mode off (that is, set overwrite
mode on), do the following:
SetInsMode ToggleInsert
Sets AutoIndent mode on. To set AutoIndent mode off, do the
SetAutoIndentMode ToggleIndent
Sets WordWrap mode on. To set WordWrap mode off, do the following:
SetWordWrapMode ToggleWordWrap
- The [Find] command sounds a tone when the search string cannot be
found. This can be irritating in a long-running macro, that may
possibly execute hundreds of finds that fail. The following commands
allow you to selectively turn the sound on and off.
Sets sound on.
Sets sound off.
- Most macros execute dozens of QEdit commands, possibly hundreds of
times. This can cause the screen to flash rapidly as the macro runs.
Not only is this somewhat disconcerting to watch, it actully slows
down the speed of some macros. The following commands allow you to
temporarily suspend or resume screen updating, while a macro is
Turns screen updating on.
Turns screen updating off. You must turn screen updating back on
before your macro prompts for input, or if there is some output from
the macro that you want displayed on the screen.
NOTE: QEdit will AUTOMATICALLY turn screen updating back on when the
macro is finished executing. Thus, it is not necessary to issue the
SetScreenOff command at the end of the macro.
- Many times, it would be nice for a macro to force a few settings, do
its assigned task, and then restore the original settings. The
following commands allow you to do just that. Note that each time
[SaveSettings] is executed, the previous settings saved with
[SaveSettings] are overwritten.
Saves the current settings of: Insert, AutoIndent, WordWrap, Sound,
and Screen Updating.
Restores the saved settings, listed above.
- The following commands set QEdit's result code to TRUE or FALSE based
on the condition being tested. These commands make certain types of
macro tests easier and reliable.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is at column 1; otherwise, FALSE is
Returns TRUE if the cursor is past the last non-white character on
the current line; otherwise, FALSE is returned, including the case
when the cursor is on an empty line.
Returns TRUE if the current line is empty or contains only white
space; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the last line of the currently
edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the first line of the currently
edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is inside a marked block; otherwise, FALSE
is returned.
- In order to tie a few of these concepts together, we present a simple
macro to delete all the blank lines in a marked block. The cursor
should be at the beginning of the block when the macro is invoked.
shift f9 MacroBegin
SetScreenOff * turn off screen for speed
begin: isCursorInBlock jFalse done: * exit if not in block
isEmptyLine jFalse next: * skip if not empty line
isLastLine jTrue last: * special handling for last line
DelLine jump begin: * delete empty lines
next: CursorDown jTrue begin: * try next line
jump done: *
last: DelLine * delete the last line
done: * that's all, folks!
See Appendix E in the documentation (QEDIT.DOC) for complete details
regarding changes made in version 2.10. Following are highlights of
those changes.
"go to line number" configuration option has been removed. This has
been replaced with a command line option. See page E-11 in QEDIT.DOC.
See pages E-13 - E-14 in QEDIT.DOC.
QEdit Changes:
See pages E-2 - E-3, E-5 - E-12 in QEDIT.DOC.
Major additions include:
-Swapping on the [DOS] and [Shell] commands.
-Prompt indicator once in the shell.
-Column blocks can now be deleted [DeleteBlock] <Alt G>, printed
[PrintBlock] <Esc><PB>, and written [WriteBlock] <Alt W> to disk.
-[TabRt]/[TabLt] when pressed while the cursor is inside a marked block
and insert mode is on, can optionally shift the entire block by the
current cursor tab width. This is a configurable option, and is off by
-Find/Replace command changes:
"L" option added to [Find], [FindReplace]. Limits the
Find/FindReplace to the currently marked block. If the cursor is
outside the marked block, or the "G" option is also selected, the
search starts at the beginning of the block. Otherwise, the search
starts at the current cursor position inside the block.
"G" option in [Find], [FindReplace] now works as it does in WordStar
and the Borland editors; i.e., it starts the search at the beginning
of the file.
In [FindReplace] you can now enter a number to limit the number of
The find string is now highlighted after a successful find.
You can press <^Break> to halt a repeated command and/or macro, and
to halt a long [FindReplace].
"U" is a synonym for "I" (ignore case) in the Find/Replace options.
-Conditional logic added to the macro language. See page E-12 in
New Commands:
CenterLine <^OT>
FillBlock <^KL>
RepeatCmd <^QQ>
SetPrintBotMargin <ESC><P><O>
SetPrintTopMargin <ESC><P><T>
ToggleSwap <ESC><O><S>
See pages E-5 - E-8 and E-12 in QEDIT.DOC for reference information.
Additional Notes:
If you are having problems with TSR's not popping up over QEdit, try
turning enhanced keyboard testing off, in the A)dvanced options of
QCONFIG.EXE. See page 2-5 in QEDIT.DOC for additional information.
Handy macro:
With the [FillBlock] command, you can now use the following macro to
move a block, and blank fill the space used by the block, instead of the
text closing in around the block. The macro assumes a block is already
marked. The block will be [Cut] to the clipboard or system scrap
buffer. You can then insert the block where you like by pressing the
[Paste] key <Grey *>:
f10 MacroBegin GotoBlockBeg Cut Paste FillBlock ' ' Return UnmarkBlock
Choose a key (<f10> in the above example), and assign this macro to it
in the QCONFIG.DAT file. Then run QCONFIG (select the Keys option,
enter the name of your QCONFIG.DAT file, and Save your changes). You
now have a "copy with wipe" command!
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